Over-Mod Boys – a sub-category of mic-eaters. Their voice peaks are badly clipped, and the magic of the CODEC preserves the full splendor of their horrid audio signal. Nose-Puffers – as they exhale vigorously at the end of each transmission. Often also mic-eaters, these are surely morbidly obese dudes who are out of breath simply… Continue reading WiRES-X YSF AMERICA-LINK Peeves
Category: Humor
Going Old School With An Inverted Vee Dipole
I know I’ve had various flavors of Wire Dipoles over the years. At least one of them was an Inverted Vee configuration. I’ve never had a tower. I’ve had a metallic mast once before, but what was on it was something where all the working parts of the antenna were above the mast. A few… Continue reading Going Old School With An Inverted Vee Dipole
60 Meters Is Weird on FTdx3000
Someone on the Twitters challenged me that 60m was “hot” for FT8 about a week ago, so I endeavored to try working at least one station on that band – had never worked that band on any mode yet. It was challenging. I have since learned some “tricks” to get it to work. So, when… Continue reading 60 Meters Is Weird on FTdx3000
I Made Her Breakfast – She Flipped Me Off
On weekdays I’m usually pretty busy with work, starting about 5:45, going up to make a quick breakfast around 8 to bring right back down to my desk. In fact, I think I eat roughly half of my meals at my desk on any given week that doesn’t include a holiday or PTO. But on… Continue reading I Made Her Breakfast – She Flipped Me Off
Twitmo For 20 Hours
So… I adore Qasim Rashid, Esq. The guy’s as cool of a cool breeze as ever there was. And… Qasim Rashid, Esq. does NOT need me to defend him. That’s not what this was about. But there are a couple things I do like to do. I like to poke a$$#0|es in the ego. I… Continue reading Twitmo For 20 Hours
All Star Shop Teachers
An interesting thing about the YouTube Algorithm just dawned on me while watching a series of videos by MrPete222, aka Tubalcain, aka Lyle Peterson – a retired HS Metal Shop teacher. He’s not the only machinist I follow on YT, and there are plenty of other crafts-persons I follow who are not machinists as well.… Continue reading All Star Shop Teachers
Butt Blaster 2000
– blast butt more gently + blast butt harder Down Arrow move blaster further back Up Arrow move blaster further forward Buttons from the remote pictured above which are not mentioned on the chart below. Alright, so what do I think of the bioBidet Butt Blaster 2000? I’m sure I’d be thrilled if this was… Continue reading Butt Blaster 2000
English Is Not That Hard
…except when it is. Mark – a pretty funny guy – is mocking IQ45’s misunderstanding of “hundredth”. Follows that by incorrectly using an apostrophe to pluralize SAT (it should be simply “SATs”). Why do so many struggle with the apostrophe? I wonder. I’ve seen this “1/100th” thing a few times lately. It’s not clear that… Continue reading English Is Not That Hard
Exfoliation For Men
When men get to a certain age – and when I say “certain,” I mean I have no idea what age, and it’s probably different for each fella – their heels start to crack. Especially in Winter, especially way the godforsaken-up-here in Minnesota. Sometimes it’s merely annoying. Like hearing Velcro sounds when merely walking barefoot… Continue reading Exfoliation For Men
Bencher Keyer Does Double Duty
I had thought it’d make sense for a keyer plugged into a modern HF transceiver to be able to function as a PTT switch when using the radio in a voice mode. I searched through the radio’s enormous menu, but found nothing. Then I thought, “What if I just wired it up to both jacks?”… Continue reading Bencher Keyer Does Double Duty