Over-Mod Boys – a sub-category of mic-eaters. Their voice peaks are badly clipped, and the magic of the CODEC preserves the full splendor of their horrid audio signal. Nose-Puffers – as they exhale vigorously at the end of each transmission. Often also mic-eaters, these are surely morbidly obese dudes who are out of breath simply… Continue reading WiRES-X YSF AMERICA-LINK Peeves

English Is Not That Hard

…except when it is. Mark – a pretty funny guy – is mocking IQ45’s misunderstanding of “hundredth”. Follows that by incorrectly using an apostrophe to pluralize SAT (it should be simply “SATs”). Why do so many struggle with the apostrophe? I wonder. I’ve seen this “1/100th” thing a few times lately. It’s not clear that… Continue reading English Is Not That Hard

Exfoliation For Men

When men get to a certain age – and when I say “certain,” I mean I have no idea what age, and it’s probably different for each fella – their heels start to crack. Especially in Winter, especially way the godforsaken-up-here in Minnesota. Sometimes it’s merely annoying. Like hearing Velcro sounds when merely walking barefoot… Continue reading Exfoliation For Men