From a Historical perspective, I’m inclined to agree. The English of the British Empire pre-dates that which was as bastardized by North Americans as it was by Australians. But then, I think it’s fair to conclude that the majority of the world’s population, regardless of what language they speak, has long since decided that British… Continue reading British English vs Julian Marshall
Category: Humor
Social Anxiety at McDs
Mild Social Anxiety No, technically, I’ve not been diagnosed. This is conjecture, but based on pretty solid evidence. Firstly, with one rare exception, every time I have gone to a (mental or medical) Health Professional with a confident idea of what’s wrong with me, they wind up coming to precisely the same conclusion. The exception:… Continue reading Social Anxiety at McDs
I’m Not Mad – He Did A Great Job
…but it was not bargain. As you probably know, I’m an introvert, and don’t really like talking to people. Once I get started, sometimes, it’s like someone put a nickel in me, and I won’t stop talking. And I know, to non-introverts, that looks like someone who likes talking to people. No, that’s the mental/verbal equivalent of starting… Continue reading I’m Not Mad – He Did A Great Job
13 Colonies
…is a Ham Radio Special Event running all this week. I forgot that it started before the 4th, so I wasn’t paying attention until today. Derp. One of the things I’d noticed during and just after Field Day is that although my long-wire antenna should tune up well on 80-meters (it’s more than long enough, and… Continue reading 13 Colonies
Field Day 2019 – Follow-Up
I did not do great in the contest, from a points perspective. It will be very easy to improve upon, especially as my CQ-ear tunes in further. But – Field Day is only somewhat of a contest. Depending on whom you ask (or watch, or operate with), it might be slightly more, or significantly more,… Continue reading Field Day 2019 – Follow-Up
Another Weekend, Another Contest
I didn’t even look online at first. I just turned on the radio, because based upon past experience, if there’s no CW contest active, the bands will be dead quiet, aside from the typical QRM, because, as you know, the sun-spot cycle is set to crappy propagation mode. Lo and behold, turned on the radio,… Continue reading Another Weekend, Another Contest
Dits and Dahs and Ants in my Pants
In the previous post, should you have been so unfortunate as to have read it, you saw that I had gotten a Bencher BY-2 Chrome Iambic Paddle set. Very exciting. …to a very niche market, of which I am a member. Way back in the early days of my Ham Radio avocation, most of the… Continue reading Dits and Dahs and Ants in my Pants
CW For The Aging Brain
I’ve been a Licenced Amateur Radio Operator since Spring of ’92, but in those early years, I was more into local VHF than the long-distance HF stuff (what non-hams call “Shortwave”). And even when I did dabble on HF, I had only studied Morse Code enough to pass the 5wpm requirement at that time. Mere… Continue reading CW For The Aging Brain
The 90s In The 80s
…but only just barely, if I’m remembering correctly. I would guess it was about 1989. But first, some background. Suburban Swedish Baptist OK, so there’s Conservative, and then there’s Conservative Baptist, and a bit beyond that, there’s Swedish Baptist. Combine with that an upper-middle-class suburb, wherein my elementary school had one person of color my… Continue reading The 90s In The 80s
Soundlazer VR – What It Is and Is Not
First Off: I Like It I have not yet figured out whether I will be able to use it for the purpose I had intended for it (which I will explain later). But for all the things it is and is not, I do indeed like the Soundlazer VR, and if I do manage to… Continue reading Soundlazer VR – What It Is and Is Not