As an interesting coincidence, and in a crappy mood because Dimwit Drumpf just won’t shut up and die already, I decided a few days ago to fire up Skyrim so I could wander around, be nice to Villagers, do a favor for a Jarl, kill some Bandits, and forget for a short while what utter… Continue reading Skyrim VR with Oculus Rift and Touch
Category: Humor
Welcome To The U.S. of A.
…or… Why I Miss John Pinette It was a minor cluster-f%@& at the McDonald’s drive-thru this morning. I try to avoid getting breakfast at McDonald’s, but I knew I was out of granola at work, and wouldn’t be going to the grocery store until tonight at the earliest. So I made sure I had a… Continue reading Welcome To The U.S. of A.
A Man Of Extremes
In some ways, I’m very difficult to peg. Every time I’ve taken the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® test, I find myself recognizing when a particular question is trying to ascertain whether I am Introverted or Extroverted. And every time, I try to go with the first situation that pops into my head, but I immediately think of… Continue reading A Man Of Extremes
It’s Your Lucky Day, Sir
The freeway this morning was a little wet, but that has not typically caused a noticeable change in traffic speeds. Up near County Road J where I-35E Southbound is still only 2 lanes, it tends to be going around 79mph (posted: 70) at 6:15am M-F. Today, it was 72-ish, with more flickering of brake lights… Continue reading It’s Your Lucky Day, Sir
MyKronoz ZeTime is a Whiny Bitch
I guess I haven’t much of anything to add to that.
MyKronoz ZeTime Review
I was backer 12643 on the KickStarter of ZeTime back on April 15, 2017 (boy howdy, it seemed like so much longer ago, but maybe that’s because I’ve received several Kickstarter rewards this year which were soooooo laaaaaate as compared to their initial estimates). Over that span of 6.5 months there were 36 updates. That’s… Continue reading MyKronoz ZeTime Review
What’s It Like Having a Stalker?
The following is a blog-excerpt from a very interesting, amusing, and scarily forthright person I follow on Twitter. I’m in a very happy, stable relationship, and yet I have 2-3 enormous crushes. There’s one guy who works at my gym, for example. I can hardly look at him without feeling my face go all hot.… Continue reading What’s It Like Having a Stalker?
Wag The Dog Reboot
I’m batting about an idea for a screenplay. I’d like to do a reboot of Wag The Dog, sort of. In this pre-apocalyptic story, there’s an international consortium/conspiracy of power brokers. Kabal… Illuminati… Knights Templar… something like that. These extremely influential yet extremely secretive men are concerned about the financial impact of several world problems,… Continue reading Wag The Dog Reboot
Thanks For Nothing
That title isn’t as negative as it sounds. I’ll explain that later. I was enthused about going to my wife’s bestie’s place for Thanksgiving. We used to live 40 minutes away (or longer, if there was anything affecting traffic). But this past spring we bought a house a mere 3 miles from bestie’s. It’s been… Continue reading Thanks For Nothing
Getting Older… Or Younger
…it’s hard to tell. I remember doing absent-minded things as a school boy. Forgetting to bring my trombone on band days. Somehow winding up with the wrong pair of boots to walk home. Walking 3/4 mile to the Radio Shack at Har Mar Mall, then not remembering why I went there in the first place.… Continue reading Getting Older… Or Younger