On weekdays I’m usually pretty busy with work, starting about 5:45, going up to make a quick breakfast around 8 to bring right back down to my desk. In fact, I think I eat roughly half of my meals at my desk on any given week that doesn’t include a holiday or PTO. But on Saturdays and Sundays, it’s about a 60/40 chance I will make breakfast for both of us.
This morning’s breakfast was egg tortilla wraps. Hers had turkey and Mexican-Style Shredded Cheese, mine had Chicken Chorizo, Refried Beans, & Queso Fresco. Hers was delicious. Mine was awful.
So we’re sitting there chatting about this ‘n that, and something she said reminded me of a story on Twitter, so I asked “Did you read the Twitter thread about the Fairy Garden thing?” She hadn’t. So I found this tweet and SMS’d her the link.
Hey, why is it when you copy a Tweet’s URL to paste into an email or SMS, it always has ?s=NN (where “NN” is some integer, very often 20 or so)? I always backspace over that shit, ‘cuz I’m sure that’s how the Russians are tracking our online activity.
I wait patiently for her to get to the part of the story where it turns a little sad… the part where the family with the little girl are moving. My wife predictably and quietly exclaims, “Oh no…” and I muttered, “Yeah? Wait till you get to the part about the car hitting their dog.”
I laugh, she realizes I’m kidding about the dog, and she flips me off.
Do please bear in mind she knew I was this sort of sick bastard well before we decided to marry.