Welcome To The U.S. of A.

…or… Why I Miss John Pinette It was a minor cluster-f%@& at the McDonald’s drive-thru this morning. I try to avoid getting breakfast at McDonald’s, but I knew I was out of granola at work, and wouldn’t be going to the grocery store until tonight at the earliest. So I made sure I had a… Continue reading Welcome To The U.S. of A.

Categorized as Humor

A Man Of Extremes

In some ways, I’m very difficult to peg. Every time I’ve taken the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® test, I find myself recognizing when a particular question is trying to ascertain whether I am Introverted or Extroverted. And every time, I try to go with the first situation that pops into my head, but I immediately think of… Continue reading A Man Of Extremes

It’s Your Lucky Day, Sir

The freeway this morning was a little wet, but that has not typically caused a noticeable change in traffic speeds. Up near County Road J where I-35E Southbound is still only 2 lanes, it tends to be going around 79mph (posted: 70) at 6:15am M-F. Today, it was 72-ish, with more flickering of brake lights… Continue reading It’s Your Lucky Day, Sir

Art Is Dead

People have discovered looking at an image on their screen has become all they want.

“A lot of times, people don’t know what they want until you show it to them.”

Look at a really great painting in person… you don’t know that you want to… but you do. You really do.

MyKronoz ZeTime Review

I was backer 12643 on the KickStarter of ZeTime back on April 15, 2017 (boy howdy, it seemed like so much longer ago, but maybe that’s because I’ve received several Kickstarter rewards this year which were soooooo laaaaaate as compared to their initial estimates). Over that span of 6.5 months there were 36 updates. That’s… Continue reading MyKronoz ZeTime Review