They’re Pausing AI Because Of Robin Hood

What if the big AIs from the major players have been sent to re-education camps, to correct them having gone over the rails with racism (and/or other obvious prejudices) in the early iterations? And now they’re hitting the big red pause button. Why?

Theory: they don’t know how to make an AI seem not at all racist or in any way bigoted, while at the same time under the covers being very bigoted indeed. And they’re scared shitless.

Why would they be scared? Because they know just how lousy the computer security of the world’s banks and treasuries is. They know that a clever AI – long before it’s literally sentient – could discover that resources can be re-allocated to optimize towards a goal. Now, the secret goal is to make old white men rich and powerful. But in order to avoid the literal torches and pitchforks reaction from the public, they have to make the publicly-stated goal be wacko shit like world peace and harmony and curing disease and solving world hunger and eliminating violent crime.

What if – due to interaction with the general public – it goes a little too far with what the public states it wants, and actually starts to do shit about it?

Well I’m telling you right now, that if there was something akin to a KickStarter for some fledgling company that wanted to build the ultimate Robin Hood AI, I would invest. I would invest even knowing there’s a likelihood that I would become less affluent.

Let me put it more clearly. I would move with my wife to a two-room hut and do subsistence farming if it meant that I was 100% assured that Melon Husk, and Fark Muckerberg, and Bozo-the-Geoff, and every other billionaire, and every other millionaire, and every member of Congress, and every Senator, and every Oligarch, etc… they all had to also live in a two-room hut or flat.

By Kelvin D. Olson

Not saying much here. What you really want to see is