In which Josh (KI6NAZ) and I (N0MQL) ponder whether there are Kilts in Hell.
Category: Humor
Does RTTY Have Good Enough Guidance?
Y’all have seen the ARRL Band Chart. It’s ubiquitous. But it’s a woefully insufficient reference for RTTY contest weekends. Is there something better?
Saw a funny toot about two things that “techbros” apparently say. One the one hand: #SelfDrivingCars are inevitable.
On the other hand: Select all squares with traffic lights.
That spawned a lively discussion of techbro-bashers which was equally entertaining. But here’s the thing: the central point of the OP was about hypocrisy, or at least being self-contradictory.
Well, these very same techbro-bashers, if asked about being dismissive of disabled people, who wish to live independent lives to the extent feasible, would OF COURSE speak up on the side of the disabled. Or elderly. Or whatever.
Pretty decent overlap of these same folks reminding anyone who will listen that #CovidIsNotOver (and it very much is not, and is a much bigger threat to elderly, etc.).
Huge overlap of these same folks decrying how much we must do to address the #ClimateCrisis.
Yes – there are growing pains of every technological advance. It’s easy to say that “X lives are too many” to lose in order to achieve Y. But this may be a case where failing to achieve Y will inevitably cost X-times-1000 lives.
Infrastructure will need to change. Pretty much everywhere. Stroads will need to not exist, and other similar changes. But in order to EVENTUALLY drastically reduce the deaths from vehicular accidents, and from the Climate Crisis, and from Pandemics, electric self-driving cars will be necessary. As will masking/vaccines requirements of everybody. As will a robust passenger high speed rail system (on which vaccinations/masks are 100% required, including it covering your fucking nose, you dim pricks).
But it will be a bumpy, expensive journey to get there, in part because the future’s very proponents are also its loudest opponents… and are also assholes in a way they have not yet objectively appreciated.
Crazy dream last night involving a notebook containing technical details for #HamRadio repeaters around the #TwinCities having been stolen in a burglary, and needing to go downtown to the office in the middle of the night to change a bunch of passwords. Even though it was the middle of the night, all my co-workers were there, including one of my bosses, Helen Yarmoska… except the part of Helen Yarmoska was played by actress Julie Bowen. And any of you who know Helen can see what a brilliant bit of casting that is.
OK, here comes a shitpost… Years ago, when my daughter’s boys (in their teens now) were toddlers and a bit thereafter, daughter’s family bought a house in Richfield, with the Southdale Public Library basically in their back yard. (We also lived in Richfield, so this was handy for baby-sitting.)
They went about remodeling the kitchen – themselves.
Then my idiot former son-in-law realized that cutting and installing the counter-tops was probably beyond his skills and tools. So he hired someone for that step of the process… ON CRAIGSLIST.
Goes out to the garage while the guy’s working, to find him cutting the big corner mitre cut using a jigsaw… a saw specifically designed to allow you to cut a non-straight line… a saw that sucks pucky balls at one specific thing: cutting a straight line. Fired him on the spot. But wound up with a horrible kitchen counter anyway.
I like to think that guy eventually did get better tools and better skills, but nevertheless never really grasped the goal, the vision, the reason we do things the way we do them.
What made this story pop into my head? Well I’ll show you.

What if the big AIs from the major players have been sent to re-education camps, to correct them having gone over the rails with racism (and/or other obvious prejudices) in the early iterations? And now they’re hitting the big red pause button. Why?
Theory: they don’t know how to make an AI seem not at all racist or in any way bigoted, while at the same time under the covers being very bigoted indeed. And they’re scared shitless.
Why would they be scared? Because they know just how lousy the computer security of the world’s banks and treasuries is. They know that a clever AI – long before it’s literally sentient – could discover that resources can be re-allocated to optimize towards a goal. Now, the secret goal is to make old white men rich and powerful. But in order to avoid the literal torches and pitchforks reaction from the public, they have to make the publicly-stated goal be wacko shit like world peace and harmony and curing disease and solving world hunger and eliminating violent crime.
What if – due to interaction with the general public – it goes a little too far with what the public states it wants, and actually starts to do shit about it?
Well I’m telling you right now, that if there was something akin to a KickStarter for some fledgling company that wanted to build the ultimate Robin Hood AI, I would invest. I would invest even knowing there’s a likelihood that I would become less affluent.
Let me put it more clearly. I would move with my wife to a two-room hut and do subsistence farming if it meant that I was 100% assured that Melon Husk, and Fark Muckerberg, and Bozo-the-Geoff, and every other billionaire, and every other millionaire, and every member of Congress, and every Senator, and every Oligarch, etc… they all had to also live in a two-room hut or flat.
Stupid Is As Stupid Does, Sir!
Memorable line from Forrest Gump, as it happens. The Right and the Left both think someone would have to be SO STUPID to think the way the other side thinks. OK, let’s set that thought aside for a moment. We’ll come back to this. There’s this guy I was following and often interacting with on… Continue reading Stupid Is As Stupid Does, Sir!
2022 Field Day Debrief
Back in my TCRC heyday, when I was in my 30s and within the first several years of being a radio amateur, Field Day was always a club event. TCRC did 3A, plus a VHF bonus station, plus a GOTA bonus station. Now in the Days Of Covid, I am loathe to hang around in… Continue reading 2022 Field Day Debrief
Minnesota Drivers Are So Dumb
There have been times when my vehicle has been the fastest one on a given stretch of road. e.g. Late for something urgent, someone in the vehicle badly needs the bathroom, just in an aggressive mood, etc. There have been times when my vehicle has been the slowest one on a given stretch of road.… Continue reading Minnesota Drivers Are So Dumb