I’m Not Mad – He Did A Great Job

…but it was not bargain. As you probably know, I’m an introvert, and don’t really like talking to people. Once I get started, sometimes, it’s like someone put a nickel in me, and I won’t stop talking. And I know, to non-introverts, that looks like someone who likes talking to people. No, that’s the mental/verbal equivalent of starting… Continue reading I’m Not Mad – He Did A Great Job

13 Colonies

…is a Ham Radio Special Event running all this week. I forgot that it started before the 4th, so I wasn’t paying attention until today. Derp. One of the things I’d noticed during and just after Field Day is that although my long-wire antenna should tune up well on 80-meters (it’s more than long enough, and… Continue reading 13 Colonies

Field Day Station Setup About Dialed In

Video Station Tour I’d seen many mentions in many forums/groups/etc. of people using Serial Port sharing, splitting, virtualization, or whatever. I tried to do the things they were doing, using the software packages they were using, and I couldn’t get it to work. Repeatedly failed. Quite frustrating. Then, whilst a-googling the interwebs, I found some… Continue reading Field Day Station Setup About Dialed In

How About log4om?

Had experimented quite a bit with N1MM’s super big contesting logger, which I believe I will still be using for Field Day next month. But I still wanted to find something that… integrates with fldigi (and a couple other digital-mode programs I’d want to use) is designed for regular day-to-day (i.e. non-contest) logging is good… Continue reading How About log4om?

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